Building Resilience: An Introduction

by | Dec 22, 2020 | News, Step Forward News

Introducing the Step Forward Building Resilience Network! Previously titled My Brother’s Keeper, the network will continue with the work of building resilience in students of all ages by addressing trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and mental health needs. If you’ve been working with this Network over the last few years, you’ll see the purpose statement and theory of change have not changed:

Purpose Statement: All children in Northwest Louisiana will have access to a supportive community and resilience-building opportunities to overcome adversity; thereby resulting in improved social, emotional, and academic outcomes, and ultimately creating thriving citizens.

Theory of Change: To create a supportive and emotionally intelligent community – including family members, teachers, mentors, neighbors, and all citizens who provide positive prevention and intervention activities for all children and youth – which will result in transformational change.

Building Resilience is comprised of three initiatives:

  1. My Brother’s Keeper –  Led by Kasey Brown, Assistant CAO Shreveport Mayor’s Office
  2. My Community Cares – Led by Jenny Forrest, State Coordinator
  3. Teen Advisory Committee – Led by area high school students

Want to help us build resilience in North Louisiana? Sign up to be a part of the Network Team.